Encouraging song of the day: Fred
Hammond - I Am Not Alone
think that most of us would agree that people are in our lives for a specific
reason as well as a season (time frame). Some of these people attached to us are
meant to be in shorter seasons than others but none the less still purposeful.
So what about those people that have been in our lives for
a seemingly long season and the relationship takes a turn? In those instances
we sometimes feel like we are alone because we expected (unintentionally) that
this person would be close to us always.
There is an old song that says “as long as I got King
Jesus, I don’t need nobody else”. True without Jesus, having anybody or
everybody in your life wouldn't matter at all. But the Word says this: Genesis 2:18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone;
I will make him an help meet for him. I don’t believe God wants for us to be alone. But
what God doesn't want is for the gift(person) that he sends your way to become
more important than the Gifter (Him). This could be with a spouse or friend.
Nothing is wrong with utilizing your spouse or friend for guidance in a matter.
But when that spouse or friend becomes more important than Him, you put that
relationship in jeopardy. God is a jealous God, He won’t be (nor does He
deserve to be) second to anyone.
Manna for thought: People will
come and go; but Jesus is the only constant variable that will never change.
The apostle Paul encountered this same thing in his final instructions to
Timothy : 2 Timothy 4:10-11 Demas
has abandoned me. He fell in love with this present world and went to the
city of Thessalonica. Crescens went to the province of Galatia, and Titus went
to the province of Dalmatia. 11 Only
Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you. He is useful to me in my
work. Be thankful for the portion
that a gift from God brings. But never get to the point that if they were to
part from you that it would hinder your growth in Him.