Thursday, January 30, 2014

(Sacrificing) Hebrews 10:1-19

In the Old Testament before Jesus had come to die for our sins the people of God would sacrifice burnt offerings among several other offerings unto God. These sacrifices had different purposes such for atonement and forgiveness of sin, to glorify God, as well to be in fellowship with God.
            The point that I’m trying to make is this, that the people of God would continually sacrifice yearly, monthly, daily because no other blood other than the blood of Jesus would wash away sin, cleanse and make whole. So although they would be sincere in their sacrifice, the blood that was spilled still could not do what the blood of Jesus does. Hebrews 10:1-19
Now take what was said and apply that to your life now. No matter how much you call yourself a good person, holding the door for people, helping old lady’s across the street, giving your spare change to the homeless. It doesn't excuse you from not being washed in the blood of the Lamb (Jesus). Many of us have this mindset that we are in good standings with God. But ask yourself “why, or how” are you in good standings. Unless you repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, I’m sorry to tell you, but you are not in good standings. Don’t let satan fool you to think that it’s all good to go to the club or do whatever you want Saturday as long as you( sacrificing) your time in the morning to go to church on Sunday as if you are doing God a favor.
Is sacrificing bad? The answer is No, fasting is a form of sacrifice. In which we do for different purposes but mainly to receive from God and glorify God. Yet just fasting alone does nothing without receiving the gift of salvation. It looks good on the outside but your heart could be so far from Him. People fast or diet all the time but not for the glory of God. They will do it to fit in a dress or to impress somebody else even if that somebody else is themselves.

Grab and go: How can we live a life that’s pleasing to God without receiving Him first? That’s like living a life doing all the things that a husband/wife would do but never actually get married. Trying to enter the Kingdom of Heaven without receiving God, you would be consider a thief and a robber, Jesus is the key in which we are able to enter.

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