Thursday, October 23, 2014

Love and obedience.

Encouraging song of the day: Smokie Norful | No Greater Love

Love and obedience.
Many of us serve God from the concept or from the principal of obedience. This usually happens from a new or young believer position but not limited to just them. Some have been saved a long time and still don't know what it means to Love God.  The reason being is because we have fashioned ourselves in the way of the world. We have come to learn the world’s perception of love but not the true Author of Love, God the Father. We have to really know a person before we can say we love them because logically we understand that love is the ultimate in a relationship verses like but we don't really understand the Love of God. So essentially we Love based on if we really like the person. If that be the case, how can we show love and compassion for our neighbor as we would for ourselves (as Mark 12:31) instructs us) if we 1st have to like them? Somehow we have gotten this idea that there is the Love of Christ and then there is our love as though there can be two separate kinds. This is not so. There is only one kind of Love. The Love that was expressed and demonstrated on Calvary.

Manna for thought: I can’t tell you if your love for someone is adequate or not. Simply compare your love in contrast to God’s Love. See if it aligns and if it doesn’t then I guess you have your answer.

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